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Eagle Cupboard

The Eagle Cupboard is a place for Davies families to receive support in times of need. For those having financial trouble, to allow them to not have to worry about food and clothing for their students. It is free and confidential.

What we provide:
Hygiene products, canned goods, cereal, oatmeal, pasta & sauce, crackers, granola bars, snacks, peanut butter & jelly, canned fruit, clothing and more.

Where to find the Eagle Cupboard:
In the counseling office at Davies High School.

Who can I contact if I need help?
Contact any adult in the school for assistance.

How can I contribute?
Email Sarah Nereson about donating:

If you or anyone you know would like to donate a monetary gift, use the link or QR code below.


QR code


What are we looking for?
Gift cards to grocery stores, canned goods, non-perishable foods, hygiene products, etc.

We Need your help!

For the first time we are experiencing a zero balance in our Eagles helping Eagles account that will not allow our program to continue. We use this account to fund our our Eagles Cupboard with food, personal hygiene items and basic necessities for students and families in need. There has been a increase in the usage of the cupboard and the need for this service. We are in uncharted waters as we are in a position where we need to actively seek funds to maintain the cupboard. While you may want to make a contribution of specific items, storage is an issue for us. Money in the account allows us to replenish what is need. If you are able, please consider donating. This program has been a success because of you, and we recognize that it will not continue without you. Thank you for being a part of our Davies family.

If you would like to give a monetary donation, you can use the link below or the QR code to the left. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Nereson, school counselor at 701.446.5613 or

Davies - Eagles Helping Eagles