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Online Class Information

When referring to an "Online Class," there are two different topics of discussion...

Online Credit Recovery: Davies offers online classes onsite with no cost to students as a credit recovery option once all other options have been exhausted. Students will be enrolled in an online class period, with an instructor. Students are expected to report to class daily, as with any other academic class. Teachers and paraeducators in the classroom will guide students through the online process, keep track of progress, and proctor all quizzes and tests.

Online Classes for Advancement: Sometimes, a student may choose to take a class on their own through the North Dakota Center for Distance Education (NDCDE) because they cannot fit the class into their day at Davies, or they want to get ahead - an example would be online PE. It is very important to remember the following items regarding online classes via NDCDE:

  • Visit the website for additional information and to view lists of available classes. 
  • For information on how to enroll visit:
  • To enroll talk to your school counselor and pick up an NDCDE registration form in the Student Services office.
  • Fargo Public Schools assigns the parent/guardian as the learning coach and does not have any affiliation with the NDCDE program other than accepting the credited class once it is completed. After the 20 week course is completed, the grade will be transcribed on the student's high school transcript.
    • Learning coaches must be willing and able to provide the following services to students: 
      • Provide a secure, supervised, and distration-free environment
      • Provide assistance to the student at his or her academic level
      • Act as a communication point between the student and the NDCDE instructor(s) and faculty 
      • Monitor and support the student's pacing and activity in the course
      • Encourage the student to seek support from the NDCDE teacher
      • Assist with student work submission and troubleshoot technology issues with NDCDE tech support as needed
      • Confirm arrival of printed course materials and secure supplied as required for the course
      • Ensure academic integrity in coursework and exams
      • Manually enter the test password; passwords are never to be given to students
      • Remain with the student during the entire testing period
      • Monitor and confirm that password-protected assessments are completed in one sitting, as they are time-sensitive
      • Ensure that there is no use of any resource on exams/test unless specified by the NDCDE instructor and maintain a direct visual on the students' device fot the duration of the exam
    • If an extension is needed, it is the parent/guardian's responsibility to cover all applicable fess.